Exterior Painting

Exterior painting in Dallas, TX

When you have been fortunate enough to be blessed with a home, you undoubtedly appreciate all the ways it enriches your life. There always comes a point, however, where your home needs repair or renovations. Painting the exterior of your home is not the easiest task you can take on, and the services of experienced and professional contractors are necessary if you want everything to go smoothly and be the way you envision.

When the time comes to paint your home, you can benefit from hiring trusted and reputable professionals who are well trained and experienced. When you are in the city of Dallas, TX, the best contractor to hire for your exterior paint job is Benchmark Roofing and Construction, Inc. We are an experienced roofing and construction contractor that specializes in roofing, gutters, and exterior painting.

We have been serving the community of this beautiful city for many years and understand the needs of our customers. When you choose Benchmark Roofing and Construction, Inc. to oversee your home renovations you are assured quality and efficiency. We perform every service in the shortest time frame possible so that we can save you money and get your life back to normal as soon as we can.

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675 Town Square Blvd Building 1A Ste 200
Garland, TX 75040


(972) 231-0794